It is increasingly difficult for busy men and women – including myself – to balance work, life, and fitness in today’s world.

Seventy-five percent of my job requires me to travel so exercise and eating right can be hard because most hotel gyms are rarely updated and usually are extremely crowded and junk food is so easily accessible. With the flexible fitness options now available online for busy men and women, I made the commitment two years ago to pay for personal training.  I knew I needed a lifestyle change and wanted to be healthy for my family.  When I met with my trainer for the first time he asked me one question: What is the catalyst that would motivate me to stick with my workout plan?

I told him that I felt unhappy, lacked energy and needed more time in the day to fit in fitness options.  It was also nearly impossible for me to continue to meet him at the gym on a regular basis due to the immense number of demands placed on me from work and family.  So, we teamed up to create an online customized workout program that would meet my fitness goals.


The Online Fitness Program Essentially Met Five Criteria:

Customized is the Key

Personalized, interactive, and varied workout programs for varying settings (length, equipment alternatives, motivation).

Easy Access

Mobile friendly, compatible across multiple platforms (mobile phones, tablets, and light laptops), and easily accessible offline so internet access isn’t required.


Articles, testimonials or blogs should be associated to personal workout plans to highlight the benefits of specific parts of the workout.

Eating Well

Images of nutritional packages and healthy meals to inspire good nutrition.

Micro learning

Immediate instruction about the workout, without a requirement for the trainer to be present. Interactive features such as blended learning or live virtual coaching sessions should be integrated into the online fitness program.

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